Spring Vege Bag Subscription - Registration Closes 19th September. See details HERE.

Blog Posts by Goldbush

Garden Updates, Info and Recipes


Farm Update August 2022

Recently here at Goldbush Micro Farm we have moved from Winter survival mode, coping with the wind and the rain, to Spring mode.

Spring mode means completing the Summer plans and seed orders and starting the daunting task of seeding "all the things".

I'm pleased to have been able to supply 20 to 30 families (and even 35 this last week!), with vegetables fresh from Goldbush Micro Farm, to do this over winter, growing in my 1/8 acre patch of garden, makes me very proud!

It shows that we can grow so much in such a small area and it can only get better as I improve the soil and my skills, feeding local families so much goodness.

I have had some fantastic feedback recently about our fresh vegetables, it's so nice to hear from my customers that they enjoy what I grow, and the continued growth of sales and customers coming back over and over tells me you're enjoying what you get.

The Caterpillar Tunnel has been instrumental in allowing me to grow large amounts of vegetables over Winter, the regrowth is still very quick as it warms up during the day, even when overcast. 

You can see pictured here spring onions, lettuce and sweet salad turnips.

Last July we built the greenhouse so this was the first full Winter I have used it, allowing me to seed many more transplants, this is so helpful, it makes it so much easier to have a steady supply of vegetables.

It is colder at night than in the house (where I used to do my spring seeds in the lounge), but gets a lot of light (I'm using the lights and shelves for microgreens now).

So many improvements over the last year, it was great to have a few of our customers visit recently for a tour and lunch, I don't get to chat to my customers like I used to when I sold at the market or even when people picked up from the farm, so I appreciated the effort they made to come out and enjoyed showing them around.

Fennel bulb in garden

Fennel in the Vege Bag this week, when people ask me what to do with fennel I usually say to slice finely with apple and cabbage with an orange dressing - yum!

Another idea from "Fields of Green" by Annie Somerville:
Grilled Fennel
Peel away any tough outer leaves, then, with the base side up grip the fennel firmly and cut down through the bulb in 1cm slices, the layers should be held together by the base of the bulb. Brush both sides with olive oil, salt and pepper, grill both sides, the fennel should be a little soft, serve immediately or cool to room temperature.
Can be served brushed with herb butter, or with other grilled vegetables e.g. leeks or peppers (great as an antipasto).

If you're keen to be he first to hear about what veges we have available and what's happening here at Goldbush, Click Here to join my mailing list.


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