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Blog Posts by Goldbush

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Bronwen's Seedy Crackers

The much requested cracker recipe we served for Taste and Tales:

½ cup flaxseeds
¼ cup chia seeds
½ cup sesame seeds
½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup pumpkin seeds
1 ¾ cup almond flour
1 cup water (up to 1 ½ cups)
½ cup olive oil
1 tsp baking powder
2 ½ tsp salt

  1. Grind the flaxseed roughly, so some is still whole. 
  2. Add all the other ingredients and mix well.
  3. Leave for a few minutes to absorb water and add more if needed, you want a sloppy wet mixture.
  4. Take ¼ of the mixture and roll out until very thin between two sheets of baking paper, remove the top sheet and cut into squares, leaving the marked crackers on the tray.
  5. Bake at 200°C for 15-20 minutes or until starting to go golden brown at the edges.
  6. Repeat 3 more times with the other ¾ of mixture, if baking more than one tray at a time rotate them in your oven. 
  7. When the crackers have cooled enough to handle, snap or cut along the scored lines.

Note: If you find the cooled crackers aren’t crunchy enough, roll the next out more thinly. 

Bowl of seedy crackers

These crackers aren't the best for dipping or dunking as they break easily but dolloping something on them works well! Bronwen has made these dozens of times and perfected the thickness and length of time required in her oven. You will have to do some experiments of your own as they can be quite brittle if too thin. You also won't get the same crunch (though they still taste great) when too thick or if they aren't cooked long enough - don't go too far past golden though.

Good luck and please share if you try the recipe to let us know how they turned out.


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