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Blog Posts by Goldbush

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Taste and Tales 2022

Taste and tales logo trail 5 list and Michelle smiling in Goldbush t-shirt

This year Goldbush was on a trail for 2 Saturdays, I’m not sure what made me think that was a good idea!?

Four minibuses of visitors came each day to Goldbush Micro Farm on a tour that included Forgotten 43 Brewing, Baked by Blanche, High Protein Breakfast Company and Fenton Street Gin.

The days themselves are so much fun, I find it so energising talking to anyone who will listen about the garden!

3 photos of Michelle, setting up table for sale, talking in garden and speaking with guests

I do like to have the place as tidy as possible, weeded and things tidied away. So there was a big push to get the market garden sorted, luckily our guests weren’t looking around the other side of the house haha.

At least the second week was a bit easier as the garden was already tidy and I could focus on getting the seedlings transplanted. Nana B and I planted almost 600 seedlings in between the two open days, what a mission but it needed doing before all the rain arrived.

table with jars of chutney, bowls filled ad crackers on plate ready to serve

Both weekends saw four fantastic, enthusiastic groups come through to visit for Taste and Tales.

It’s nice for me having small groups to speak to, telling them about how we set up the Goldbush market garden, got started and what we do now with the vege bags. 

There’s always lots of great questions and my visitors got to taste shungiku straight from the garden as well as some raw sliced kohlrabi (on plate above), another good conversation starter was the jerusalem artichokes for sale.

I love introducing people to new vegetables! 

Visitors on the 14th had red pepper relish, a spiced courgette and apple chutney and caramel apple jam for tasting on homemade seed and nut crackers (made by the brilliant Nana B).

I was surprised (and very pleased) to sell out quickly, the guests on the later buses were a bit disappointed! I had to do another relish making session before the visitors arrived on the 21st!

Purple Kohlrabi

close up purple kohlrabi

A big Thank You to all our visitors over the two days and Cathy (and Lynsay) from Discover Taranaki for inviting us to be a part of Taste and Tales again this year.

If you want to get tickets for next year, make sure to get in quick as I believe almost all the trails sold out!


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